Loading your Painless Estimation template into Miro
First, you'll need to download the PainlessEstimationV2.0.rtb
file sent to you by email after your Painless Estimation workshop. Search your email for the subject "Your Painless Estimation Templates are ready!".
[If you have trouble finding it, please email hello@agilemastery.com from the email address you purchased the templates with and we'll help you track them down.]
Once you've located your PainlessEstimationV2.0.rtb
file, follow these instructions from the Miro support site:
Restoring a board from a backup
The option to upload a board backup is available for any user in paid teams. You can send an archived copy of your board to another Miro user so that they can recreate the board copy in their paid team.
To restore a board from a backup, go to the dashboard and click Upload from backup. A dialogue box will appear, where you will be able to choose your *.rtb board backup file. After you confirm your choice, a new board with the same content will be created in the team. The board title will include Restored.
Restoring a board from backup