Agile Mastery
All Categories Agile Mastery Collecting PDUs & SEUs for Agile Virtual Summit, Coaching Agile Teams, and Agile Mastery content

Collecting PDUs & SEUs for Agile Virtual Summit, Coaching Agile Teams, and Agile Mastery content

Claiming your SEUs & PDUs


Each 1 hour you spend interacting with Agile Virtual Summit, Coaching Agile Teams, and Agile Mastery content qualifies for 1 Scrum Alliance Scrum Education Unit (SEU) in Category "Event". More information about SEUs can be found on the Scrum Alliance website

  1. Log into your Scrum Alliance dashboard

  2. Click "Manage SEUs" in the right pane

  3. Select "Event" and enter your specific details, depending on which summit you attended and which date you participated (All-Access Pass holders might report dates after the live event).


Each 1 hour you spend interacting with Agile Virtual Summit, Coaching Agile Teams, and Agile Mastery content qualifies for 1 Professional Development Unit (PDU) in Category "Education".  More information about Education PDUs and how to classify them can be found on the Project Management Institute website.

  1. Log in to

  2. Click on "Report PDUs".

  3. Allocate your Education PDUs using the classification guidelines linked to above (and your best judgement).

  4. Enter "Weisbart Consulting Inc" in the provider field. As a third-party provider we will not show up in the drop-down menu. Simply hit the Tab key to exit the drop-down - Weisbart Consulting Inc will remain entered in the field.

You may be asked for additional information on the provider:

Trainer name:
Adam Weisbart, CST

Weisbart Consulting Inc
20211 Vashon Hwy SW, #36
Vashon WA 98070

+1 (415) GO-AGILE (415-462-4453)

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